Youth corps members waiting to be mobilised by INEC express frustration


Up till :30pm on Friday, many youth corps members waiting to be mobilised by the Independent Electoral Commission had yet to be attended to. gathered that this was the situation at many centres where they were invited, to be integrated into the process and connected to the officers they will work with in their various locations.
In some of the locations in Lagos and Ogun states, corps members complained that they had been waiting since the 10 am they were asked to come but nothing concrete had been done.
Many of them were seen discussing in groups, wondering how they would be able to get to the various places they would work early Saturday morning.
In Lagos, they said some INEC buses that were supposed to take them to the centres, where accommodation would be made available to especially those in remote parts, had been waiting since 2pm, but no one had been moved.
In Owode, Ogun State, while some of the participants said INEC buses had taken away some 120 ‘corpers’ who would work in remote areas in Ijebu and Ipokia, many were, as of 7:30 pm, still waiting at the secretariat.
Efforts to speak with officials at the various centres did not, however, yield fruits as they said they were not authorised to comment .
But the situation is said to be better in Abuja.
Reports from there said the corps members were asked to converge on the secretariat by 4pm.
As of 8 pm on Friday, they were said to be on their way to the places they would stay overnight.
“We are going to stay in some classrooms in a school,” one of them told

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