Marital palaver: Bisola slams Gbenro Ajibade, defends Osas


Tobi Ijalana

BB Naija’s Bisola has defended her Colleague Osas Ighodaro calling her a good mother after her husband Gbenro Ajibade took it up to give his wife a last warning with series of posts concerning her alleged lack of care for their child.
The Internet community was recently dominated with talks on the couple, after Osas’ husband, Gbenro Ajibade, claimed that he had tried to get both of their families to talk to her but to no avail and decided the social media would be of help.
In an Instagram post, Bisola said Osas was a good mother and her late nights were only as a result of what her job as an entertainment figure required.
“And now that he has posted this I hope Instagram or Snapchat Admin will give him ‘Parent of the Year Medal,” she added.

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