I’ve never travelled outside Nigeria except Benin Republic – Ibrahim Chatta


Although versatile actor, Ibrahim Chatta, has been a major actor for about two decades, he has never been to Europe, America or any other developed continents to which many of his colleagues often go.
Indeed, if he has ever travelled out of Nigeria, it is to the neighbouring Republic of Benin.
Chatta, who among many other acclaimed films, recently featured in Tunde Kelani’s adaptation of Wole Soyinka’s ‘The Lion and the Jewel’, told ‘Sundaty Punch’, “
“I have never travelled out of this country except to the Republic of Benin. Most times, I hear that people travel to other developed countries to beg; I don’t want to be like that. Right now, I am working on a movie and I will need to hold the premiere in the UK, America, South African and Dubai. If I eventually go to those places, I know it is for a purpose.
“There are many amazing places I’ve never visited in Nigeria too. I only go to locations from my house and return home afterwards. I’ve been invited to America and Canada for awards, but God has not given me the privilege to visit yet. I have not been to Mecca too, but it is my priority to go before I die and I am not leaving the world soon.”
“People are always saying Nigeria cannot be good; we should stop saying that. We are not patient and patriotic enough. I have never been to the US but I can tell you nice things about New York and Washington. I saw those things in movies. Films should be avenues to project our country in a positive light but we don’t do that here. I will die in Nigeria because it is my country.”

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