Atiku is not a Nigerian – Group tells court


If the prayer of a group at the Federal High Court, Abuja goes through, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar may be disqualified from contusing the presidential election holding on Saturday.

The group, Incorporated Trustees of Egalitarian Mission for Africa,  has asked the court to disqualify him based on the argument that the Jada town, in Adamawa, where Atiku claims to have been born, was not part of Nigeria at the time of his birth – November 25, 1946.

The group submitted, “That from Atiku’s own testimony that is gazetted and published in most national dailies in circulation, he is from Jada town in Adamawa and Jada used to be in Ganye Local Government Area in Adamawa.

“That Ganye is regarded as the mother of the whole Chamba tribe and was never part of Nigeria legally as at the date of birth of Atiku.

“That none of Atiku’s parents or grandparents was born in Nigeria and his father died a citizen of Northern Cameroon in 1957 prior to the referendum of June 1, 1961 that made Northern Cameroon a part of Nigeria.”

According to the News Agency of Nigeria, the claim is contained in an an affidavit deposed to by one Michael Okejimi, a legal practitioner in the law firm of Ajulo,

The suit, which though has not been assigned, was filed on behalf of the group by Mr. Kayode Ajulo, is seeking an interpretation of Sections 25(1) & (2) and 131(a) of the 1999 Constitution.

The group named the PDP, the Independent National Electoral Commission, and the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice as defendants in the suit.

It also wants the court to determine, “Whether Section 25 of the Constitution is the sole authority that spells out ways by which a person can become a Nigerian citizen by birth.

“Whether by the provisions of Section 131(a) of the Constitution, only a Nigerian citizen by birth can contest for the office of president.

“Whether by the combined interpretation of Sections 25(1) & (2) and 131(a) of the Constitution and given the circumstances surrounding the birth of Mr. Atiku, he can be cleared by PDP and INEC to contest for office of the president.”

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