Broadcaster Morayo’s husband curses reverend who insists he is a child molester




Controversy greeting a statement made by a Lagos-based broadcaster, Morayo Afolabi-Brown, saying during ‘Your View’ on TVC, that she would not allow her husband bathe her daughter,  has reared its head again.

Morayo has since clarified her comment and declared that her husband , Femi, is not a molester. Amidst tears, she even apologsed to him on air.

A man said to be a cleric has, however, brought up the matter again.

In a series of tweets, the man, Rev. Jesse Joshua, insisted that Femi must be a child molester for the wife to have said what she sad initially.

This angered Femi, who  slammed a curse on whoever is lying between him and the man.

He noted, “If I am truly what you called me as shown above, let the Lord God of Elijah destroy my glory and destiny totally, let Him strike me with cancer of the brain and kidney failure and let me suffer in agony and perish on the bed of terminal illness in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. But if I am not, let Him do all these  unto you and everyone else who speaks against me as you do in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.


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