Between Wande Coal and the lizard that jumps down from a tall iroko treey my songs don’t sound alike – Wande Coal


Like the lizard that jumps down from a tall iroko tree, ‘Bumper to bumper’ singer, Wande Coal, is in a mood to assert his worth as an artiste.

The proverbial lizard that does the somersault says even if no one praises it, it will sings its own praise.

That is one of the numerous proverbs in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.

Although Coal is not one of the top guys in Nigeria’s music industry, he says no one can deny him of his legend’s status.

According to him, he introduced the great sounds winning crests for the industry.

In an interview with Cool FM Lagos, Wande Coal declared:  “I’m the best at what I do. I’m a legend. I know what I came to this industry to do. I brought the new generation sounds and the new wave of new artists that’s happening now.

“I’m happy to be that guy that has done it. Also, I still want to do more. I feel like music never ends. Music is very universal. That’s why there are many genres of music.

“All these sounds I try to fuse them in my music. That’s why none of my songs sound alike. Since I came into industry, I’ve shown versatility in my songs. I also love working with new producers because music never ends.”.

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