Tag: Harris

Warmth, applause as Nigeria’s Defence Chief receives Prince Harry, Meghan in DHQ

Many Nigerians are not holding back applause and cheers as the Duke

Phenomenal Phenomenal

COVID-19 victims: Biden to hold candlelight ceremony on Monday

United Staes (U.S.) President Joe Biden will deliver remarks on Monday on

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WTO: Biden-Harris administration expresses strong support for Okonjo-Iweala

The Biden-Harris Administration has expressed strong support for the candidacy of Nigeria’s

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Grammy Awards organisers pledge support to Biden, Harris

Recording Academy, Organisers of the Grammy Awards, has pledged to support the

Phenomenal Phenomenal

UN Chief congratulates Biden, Harris

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has congratulated Americans for “a vibrant exercise of

Phenomenal Phenomenal

Biden, Harris mourn Black Panther star

U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate, Joe Biden, and his running mate, Kamala

Phenomenal Phenomenal