Tag: Femi Babafemi

N70,000 charm prepared by a cleric fails as drug carrier is arrested at airport

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has arrested a drug mule at

Phenomenal Phenomenal

Man using fake foreign name gets choked by drugs he injected, excretes 80 wraps of cocaine – NDLEA

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) arrested a Delhi, India-bound passenger at the

Phenomenal Phenomenal

NDLEA to eradicate illicit drugs in Ogun

NDLEA to eradicate illicit drugs in Ogun

Phenomenal Phenomenal

Airport viral video: NDLEA arrests owner of tramadol consignment

Airport viral video: NDLEA arrests owner of tramadol consignment

Phenomenal Phenomenal

Trama-kings scare: How we nabbed drug barons in Lekki, Festac – Babafemi

Trama-kings scare: How we nabbed drug barons in Lekki, Festac - Babafemi

Phenomenal Phenomenal

NDLEA recruits 2, 428 personnel

NDLEA recruits 2, 428 personnel

Phenomenal Phenomenal

Puzzle as NDLEA withholds name of General Overseer arrested for drugs in Lagos

Puzzle as NDLEA withholds name of General Overseer arrested for drugs in

Phenomenal Phenomenal

NDLEA arrests Sokoto village head, others over 991,320 opioid pills

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has arrested one Abubakar Ibrahim,

Phenomenal Phenomenal

Passenger arrested in Ibadan excretes 47 wraps of cocaine

A 26-year old Nigerian, Aloysius Onyekwe, has allegedly excreted 47 wraps of

Phenomenal Phenomenal

Why I abandoned BRT driving for drug peddling – Suspect

A former BRT driver arrested for drug peddling by the National Drug

Phenomenal Phenomenal