The world salute Liverpool as they demystify Barcelona 4- 0


Encomiums are pouring on Liverpool FC from all parts of the world as they came back from a 3-0 first leg defeat to demolish Barcelona 4- 0.
The soccer miracle happened tonight as Liverpool beat almighty the Barcelona 4- 0, thus impossibly qualifying for the final game of the 2019 Champions League competition.
Liverpool seemed doomed when they lost the first leg 3- 0 even as they put up a sterling performance.
Their problem was compounded when two of their brightest strikers, Mohammed Salah and Roberto Firmino, got injured and out ruled out of the match.
But a hurricane hit Barca when Liverpool beat them 4-0, starting with a first half score by Divok Origi.
The other three goals came in the second half – by G. Wijnaldun, (who scored two goals in two minutes) while Origi came back to crown the feat.
A lot of people have seen the feat as revitalising the power of hope and determination, not only in sports but also in every other area of human endeavours.
While some are throwing jibes as Barca fans, many are saluting the Klopp boys as heroes.

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