Atiku, Fani Kayode condemn attacks against Nigerians in South Africa

Akeem Lasisi
Akeem Lasisi

The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in the last general election, Atiku Abubakar, and lawyer, Femi Fani-Kayode, have condemned the current Xenophobic attacks on Nigerians in South Africa.

Following the multiply killings, the duo reacted via their Twitter handles.

According to Atiku, it’s unacceptable, the African Union and SA authorities need to take urgent steps if not it will end up destroying the fabric of our African brotherhood.

He said, “Reported attacks against Nigerians in South Africa is unacceptable and stands condemned. Urgent steps need to be taken with the SA authorities and the African Union to bring an end to this ill wind that can only end up destroying the fabric of our African brotherhood. ”

Also, Fani Kayode said South Africans have crossed the line and will pay for every blood that they have spilled since the attacks on Nigerians started.

” Nothing angers me more than the way in which Nigerians are being subjected to mass murder and persecution in #SouthAfrica. The people and @GovernmentZA will pay heavily for every drop of Nigerian blood that they have spilt. We have long memories. Sooner or later we will retaliate.

“This is good news.#SouthAfrica has crossed the line.They treat our people like filth and kill them for sport.We MUST hit them with ALL we have got,including sanctions on South African companies.They deserve to be taught a lesson and given a bloody nose.
take note! “

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