Israel further eases coronavirus lockdown measures

Israel donates e-learning centre to vulnerable children
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel is lifting a restriction that limits people to within a 100-metre radius of their homes except in extraordinary circumstances.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said late Monday that people would once again be allowed to move around freely and even visit their grandparents, but “without hugs and kisses.”

From Thursday, shopping centres and open-air markets would be allowed to reopen, and pupils of all ages would be allowed to return to school by the end of the month, he said.

The Israeli government also plans to allow gatherings of up to 100 people by May 31 and lift all restrictions on public gatherings by June 14, but Netanyahu said it would depend on the number of new cases in the coming days and weeks.

The number of new cases per day must not exceed 100 so that the restrictions can be loosened, Netanyahu said, calling on Israelis to stick to hygiene rules.

Israel has a comparatively manageable caseload.

According to Health Ministry figures, there have been some 16,237 cases in total, while 9,858 have already recovered.

The death toll from the virus stands at 235.

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