COVID-19: New York records largest single-day death of 731

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New York on Tuesday announced the death of 731 more people from the novel coronavirus disease, representing the largest single-day increase in deaths since the crisis began.

Briefing newsmen, the state governor, Andrew Cuomo, gave the new death toll as 5,489, up by 731 from 4,758 on Monday morning.

The latest fatality figure has dampened rising spirits following a drop in the numbers below 600 two days before.

According to the governor, statewide confirmed cases also rose by 8,147 from 130,689 on Monday morning to 138,836 on Tuesday.

COVID-19: New York records largest single-day death of 731
Gov. Andrew Cuomo gives update on the situation in his state.

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The number of people hospitalised also increased from 16,837 on Monday to 17,493 as of Tuesday morning, representing a difference of 656.

Cuomo said the number of patients on intensive care also rose, by 89 from 4,504 on Monday morning to 4,593 as of Tuesday morning.

New York accounts for not less than 40 per cent of the U.S. coronavirus deaths, which stood at 11,018 by Tuesday.

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