Omotola gives four conditions for accepting to act in a film


Celebrated actress, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, has revealed the factors that win her heart for a script – apart from fees, anyway.
She noted in an interview with ‘Sunday Punch’:
1. It has to be a good script. The storyline must be intelligent, mentally stimulating, socially/topically relevant, and entertaining.
2. It must be adding something to my career. It could be something I haven’t done before or one that I would be required to do differently.
3. It must be compelling enough to take me away (mentally and physically) from my other business interests.
4. It must be a script I would read and wouldn’t be able to sleep. I would actually visualise what it’s about to offer and what it can achieve in years to come. Yes, it is that serious for me.

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