500,000 coal mine workers on strike in India


As many as 500,000 mine workers in India went on a day-long strike on Tuesday to protest a government decision to allow foreign direct investment in coal mining.

The strike action by five major unions also hit the state-run Coal India Limited, which accounts for 80 per cent coal production in the country.

India is the world’s third-largest coal producer after China and the U.S.

Overall, coal meets more than 50 per cent of India’s energy needs.

“The strike is total. There is a complete stop in production, dispatch and transportation of coal in some 82 mining areas across the country,” said Tapan Sen, General Secretary of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions.

In a move to deregulate the coal sector, the Indian government in August said it would allow foreign companies 100 per cent access to commercial coal mining.

“We demand immediate withdrawal of this dangerous decision to hand over control of coal blocks to foreign companies.

“It is against the country’s economy and national interests. We will escalate our agitation if the government doesn’t listen,” Sen added.

Federal Coal Minister Pralhad Joshi said the government was open to talks with the unions, but no meetings had been finalised yet.

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