All Yoruba people are entitled to Aboru boye – Tope Alabi

Tope Alabi

Whoever thinks star gospel artiste, Tope Alabi, is scared by the controversy that engulfed her singing ‘Aboru boye’, which traditionalists claim belong to them, should have a rethink.

She has said that the expression belongs to Yoruba language and people – not to the traditional religion.

She made this known in a video sighted in which she is seen ministering in a church.

She explains, “It was recorded that David made a sacrifice of faithfulness to God.  Why was the word sacrifice not written as the same English word in the Yoruba version of the Bible? It is a Yoruba language. There is no special language for traditionalists. We are all speaking the Yoruba language.

“If some people say they want to use the language in their own style, it is not bad. We have also decided to use it in our own style.”

While reiterating that sacrifices were rendered in the bible, she further queried saying, “Was Abraham’s sacrifice accepted or not? Was it not the same with Isaac?”

In establishing her points with specific reference to a bible passage which is Romans 12:1, she said, “Brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. The word ‘acceptable’ is the ‘Aboru’ while ‘living sacrifice’ is Aboye.”


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