Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCo) has won the 2023 Oil and Gas Trainers Association of Nigeria (OGTAN) National Award of Excellence for Human Capacity Development in the Oil and Gas Industry. The award comes three days after SNEPCo achieved 1-billion-barrel oil export from Bonga field.
“SNEPCo has played a leading role in developing human capital in Nigeria through innovative programmes such as the SITP (Shell Intensive Training Programme) which has been a template for many human capital development programmes in the industry today,” said President of OGTAN, Mazi Onyechi.
“SNEPCo also developed the first generation of Nigerian deep-water engineers through the Bonga Field development.”
The Managing Director of SNEPCo, Mrs Elohor Aiboni, said, “I commend the vision of the Oil and Gas Trainers’ Association of Nigeria to be the best learning services group in the industry and beyond because it aligns with SNEPCo’s aspirations in human development. And we will continue to work with the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board and OGTAN to grow in-country human capacity for the oil and gas industry.”
Mrs. Aiboni, represented, at the event by SNEPCo’s Bonga Business Opportunity Manager, Mr Iyke Nnoaham, said Shell regards its staff as the most valuable asset and is working “to consistently develop the competences and capabilities of our people.”
SNEPCo pioneered the Nigeria’s deep-water frontier with the coming on stream of Bonga in 2005 and today, its operations are run by a workforce made up of more than 95% Nigerians. SNEPCo’s Nigerian engineers cut their teeth on the Bonga project, developing knowledge and skills that have advanced the country’s oil and gas sector.
Along with its local manpower growth programmes, SNEPCo has also invested considerably in the development of local