MC Galaxy gift Ubi Franklin 3M

MC Galaxy
MC Galaxy

Galaxy as he is popularly called says Ubi gave him N100 to solve his accomodation problem back then and though the money seemed like a lot then, he has come to return the favour even though he knows only God can truly reward Ubi.
”Man Must Wack” crooner, MCG Empire boss and musician MC Galaxy recounts how Triple MG ceo Ubi Franklin assisted him to pay rent 7 years ago.

The singer who wrote Ubi Franklin a cheque for N3m wrote:

This life is funny, seven years ago I needed help to pay house the total I needed was 350k. So I asked a lot people for help, and no one could help me, so one of those days I went to Ubi Franklin house that I needed help with rent and he gave me 100k and cloths and I was able to hustle money to add and pay my rent, because at the time 100k then meant a lot to me it was 10 million Naira to me, so every time I had a new song to drop I will go to him and play for him “ I go Calabar” to “Sekem” etc. So I know I cannot pay him back for the favors and values but this is a token of appreciation to say thank you for everything @ubifranklintriplemg

Ubi replied:

Oil Dey your head brother
Thank you for everything and that other thing you did 🤐 God bless you too

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