Ycee slams man worrying about moustache


Elijah Adebero
Popular artiste, Ycee, has complained  after a Twitter user complained about his mustache.
Ycee , who posted a picture on his Twitter page, got a man by name ‘G-Class’ commenting on it asking him to ‘shave that nonsense beards’.
The artiste who wasn’t comfortable with such a comment from a guy about his mustache says he doesn’t know why it is guys that always have a problem with his mustache.
“Don’t know why it’s guys that always have an issue with my mustache.
Leave me alone.
A whole grown ass man bothered about another man’s facial hair,
that’s weirdo behavior,” he ranted.
Use product where needed
Everyone has a different hair type. Sometimes your moustache could have a lot of volume. The thickness must be reduced otherwise it will draw too much attention for the wrong reason. With a pair of scissors, cut along the top of the moustacheand then use some gel to keep it in shape.
Trimming is an important aspect of moustache maintenance. It is akin to gardening. Every now and then, you need to get rid of the older grown hair so that new ones can grow in its place. This will remove the dried up hair that is making you look bad. Trimming is ideally done once a month or whenever needed.
Use shampoo to keep your moustache nourished and supple. There is a tendency for loose skin or flakes to gather beneath the growth of hair. An anti-dandruff shampoo comes in handy for this.
Your diet is integral for the growth of hair on your body, including your moustache. A well balanced diet will stimulate a healthy growth of hair making your moustache look young and vibrant. Water is important for hydration so drink plenty of it.
Keep your moustache clean
Before you go to bed, wash your moustache to get rid of any dirt that might have accumulated during the course of the day. Splash your face with cold water every now and then.
Taking care of your moustache is just as important as looking after your hair. When you keep these simple tips in mind you will have a neat and well groomed moustached making you look like quite the charmer.

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