Kwara Kwara: Kenya bans sex-provoking dance


Kenyan government has wielkded the big stick over ‘Kwara Kwara’, a dance that, it says, sharpens youths’ appetite for sex.

The dance, the government, says also compounds the problem of uneanted pregnancy.

As a result, it has banned it, urging stakeholdres to help ensure the ban is effective.

Kacheliba Deputy County Commissioner Kennedy Kiprop who announced the ban, notes that chiefs and their assistants should crack the whip and arrest those found disobeying the ban.

He adds, “There is this new dance called Kwara Kwara that is popular among the youth and which has led to immorality among them. I am banning it with immediate effect. All the chiefs and their assistants should crack the whip and arrest those found disobeying the ban.

“I am urging you, locals, not to allow youths in the villages to hold this dance as it is really derailing the gains we had made in educating our children, especially the girls.”

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