Tonto Dikeh vs ex: What you should know about premature ejaculation

Churchill and Tonto Dikeh before the divorce

PHOTO from ‘Medical Daily’
A claim made by actress Tonto Dikeh, that her ex-husband Olakunle Churchill, is suffering from premature ejaculation has prompted to dig out the following facts about the condition:

1. You’re not alone
PE occurs when a man ejaculates sooner than expected, about one to three minutes. And it’s a common sexual complaint, according to the Mayo Clinic; as many as one out of three men have experienced this problem at some point in their life.

2. Masturbation counts
PE isn’t limited to sexual intercourse. It can also happen when men masturbate.
3. Risk factors
The Mayo Clinic cites the exact cause of PE remains unknown. Experts once believed there were only physiological causes, but recent research shows the condition is more complicated than that, hinting at the possibility of biological causes.
4. Physiological
Physiological causes include “situations in which you may have hurried to reach climax in order to avoid being discovered; guilty feelings that increase your tendency to rush through sexual encounters; erectile dysfunction; anxiety; and relationship problems,” the Mayo Clinic reported.
5. Side effects
PE won’t necessarily lead to health problems, but it may lead to personal problems, such as increased stress and anxiety. There’s also the possibility of fertility problems, the Mayo Clinic says. PE can occasionally make fertilization difficult or impossible for couples trying to have a baby.
6. Testing
Doctors test for PE by asking men about their sexual history, performing a general physical exam and a possible urine test to rule out infection. If men struggle with PE and erectile dysfunction, doctors may then order blood tests to measure testosterone levels.
7. Treatment

The most common treatment options are behavioral techniques (masturbating a couple hours before intercourse), topical anesthetics (numbing agents to reduce sensation), oral medications to delay orgasm, such as antidepressants, and counseling. Treatments take time to work, and for some men, relief may be a result of combined treatment.
8. Alternative treatment
There are also alternative treatments men can consider. Dr. Laura Berman explains several for Everyday Health, including deep breathing techniques; kegel exercises; and tantric techniques “to establish an intimate connection.”
9. “Stop-Start” and “Squeeze”
Perhaps the most popular alternative treatments are the “stop-start” and “squeeze” methods. When men “stop-start,” they aim to master the technique of masturbating alone and getting close to orgasm, but stopping until they can’t anymore. The “squeeze” method requires a man “squeeze the base of the penis at the same point that the stop-and-start technique would be used, when he is at the brink of orgasm,” Bermain explained. “The idea is to reduce your partner’s erection through squeezing.”
10. “Suffer in silence”
Because there’s “this tendency to ridicule” the condition, Kerner told Vice UK, it’s harder for men to have relevant conversations with both their partner and doctor, meaning they likely suffer in silence. Here, The Mayo Clinic helps men prepare for their appointment.
11. No cure

Source: Medical Daily

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