

The ongoing ubiquitous protest across Nigeria against the evident misdemeanour and gross abuse of power by SPECIAL ANTI ROBBERY SQUAD (SARS), one of the units of Nigeria Police Force, is a pointer to the fact that the youths have outgrown the toga of tolerance and patience .This ugly spate has endured over decades due to the resilience of Nigerian citizens and the legal /judicial systems that are defective .The menace persists but the government pretends as though the antics, extra judicial killings and pogrom perpetrated by the men in uniform are part of the social and statutory responsibilities.
Policing in Nigeria dates back to 1820, which makes it one of the oldest institutions in the land, but with a sizeable measure of mediocrity and complicity. The rationale behind the merger of then Royal Niger Company Constabulary that metamorphosed into the Northern Nigeria Police and Niger Coast Constabulary that turned Southern Nigeria Police was the nationalisation of the regionalised institution for effective security service .
Unfortunately, the aged Nigeria Police Force has not experienced a landmark overhauling apart from the sartorial uniform that constantly changes from the nuance of colours blue and black. Policing that is a calling in several civilised nations of the world is a mere way of earning livelihood; having sought for other options all to no avail. This does not evince that there are no men and women who operate as people with calling and dedication to their dream career.
It is a common sight to see police officers who are principally working to make ends meet harassing and intimidating innocent persons, while only few enlightened that are alive to their fundamental human rights resist such actions by mere exchange of invective words. Nigerians who are not litigious, apparently due to justice delay, outright travesty of justice and exorbitant cost of litigation, are forced to live with violations of their rights by the police .
Without mincing words, the wanton disruption and destruction brought upon the citizenry by the police under the pretext of carrying out security operation cannot be forgotten in a hurry. However, it is sad that Nigerian are more vulnerable in hands of police than armed robbers .Imagine a situation whereby a suspect is led to the ATM machine to withdraw cash, most cases empty the bank account under duress
Honestly ,it is never within the ambit of any police officer in the civilised world to descend on any one in order to have access to the content of one’s phone, laptop etc. without prior warrant .
The SARS in its aberration goes beyond the limit by ignoring rapacious armed robbery and concentrates on “Yahoo boys’ the cyber criminals for better shady deal of “plea bargaining” – extortion of whooping sum of money .
The bane of effective policing is multiple and it’s good to first work on the principle of SWOT ,a technique to analyse the performance of individuals and organisational situation : Strength, Weakness Opportunity and Threat. The strength of the Nigerian police is enshrined in the act that brought about the commission to being; weakness opportunity and threat could be determined through W .O. R. S. E (welfare orientation ,recruitment society, education). Observing Nigeria police from WORSE perspective is a great deal for human faculty of judgement ipso facto the cause and effect principle can not be ignored in the social diagnosis .
The welfare of the police in Nigeria is nothing to write home about .This constitutes an Achilles heel to effective service delivery .The decay ranges from wage to housing and ultimately, superannuation.
The orientation given to the personnel by the primordial colonial police does not give adequate respect for fundamental human rights. More often than not they contemptuously regard and call the non members , the civil masses whose taxes go into their wages “bloody civilian”. The orientation of superiority bred intimidation they carry out in the course of service delivery .Unfortunately, they mostly arrogate the constabulary power to themselves which intoxicates to the enormity of extra judicial killings .
This is the nucleus of the problem which defines the institution. It is observable that many take refuge in the service ; the available option to get employed without much or no academic qualification. This and quota system bastardise the recruitment and enlistment process . The role of the society in the abject performance of the police knows no bound, it is good governance predicated on the rule of law that can usher in and seat an institution in a better position. Over the years , the Nigeria police are used and abused by powers that be in electoral process to ensure pyrrhic victory through designated perfidious role.
The Nigerian society is complicit in the malfeasance and excesses of the police. The baffling acquiescence to antics of BAIL BOND which is declared free in civil cases that are being paid for just to parry a normal procedure. This could also be attributed to the legal system that is in a shambles. No legal aid to fortify and serve as solace for the less privileged seeking redress. A mega society like Nigeria is expected to have left analogue means of surveillance .The style of arrest is outdated and can not augur well in a population of well of 180 million people. The Nigerian police still pursue criminals like a cat running after a rat to prey. It is the role of the society, the leadership to make available workable surveillance cameras and other intelligence gadgets for effective policing .
Unfortunately, this gives much advantage to the law enforcement agency to act beyond the provisions of the law by commercialising and turning a sensitive organ to a mercantile venture where criminals can financially atone and innocence fined.
Education in the context of the treatise connotes Empowerment ,Equipment and Enlightenment. Many of the servicing men of the police do not display prowess that is enough to serve as impetus to carry out public diplomacy. There is need for constant educational overhauling by training and retraining This will make the use of the desired equipment effective without infringing on the rights of the people who paid for the facilities .
The great constabulary institution can be salvaged through a thorough attention given to W O R S E technique .
To be continued ….

Police IG Adamu Mohammed
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