Resumption: Adamawa SUBEB to fumigate 1, 934 primary schools

Lagos State emerges 2020 Inter-SUBEB debate winner

No fewer than 1,934 schools are to be fumigated by the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) in Adamawa ahead of school resumption, Dr Salihi Atiku, the Board Chairman has said.

In an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Yola, on Wednesday, Atiku said that the fumigation was to make the schools safe for the children to learn in a conducive environment.

The Adamawa government had announced Oct. 12 as resumption date for public and private schools across the state.

“We will commence the fumigation of all schools as soon as possible.

“This is to make sure all the tall grasses are cut to the barest minimum, and to make sure there are no snakes and pests around the school premises.

“Already, we are arranging how we are going to bridge the gap we have lost because of the COVID-19 lockdown,” he said.

Atiku called on parents to contribute their own quota to the safety of children and wards, especially the observance of COVID-19 protocols at home as schools could not do it alone.

“The teacher is concerned with the pupils when they are in school, the moment the pupils leave school, the responsibility becomes that of the parents.

“So, you should be monitoring these pupils to make sure they are observing the COVID-19 protocols, if not they will carry the virus to the school and spread to other children,” the SUBEB chairman said.

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