Candid Tems: ‘You are doing yourself a disservice by trying to be someone else’


Lasun Alagbe

Reigning artiste, Tems, has continued to assert herself as a principled person as she stresses the need to be oneself always.

She says trying to be others is a disservice to oneself.

From the choice of genre to costuming, Tems has chosen and vowed to be different.

She is, for instance, not swayed by afrobeats fever as she pitches her muse with pop-like vibes.

In an interview with ‘Essence Magazine’, she addresses the issues involved, insisting that freedom of choice must always count.

She avers: “I appreciate that that’s what’s coming across. And I do think people should be themselves. I can’t really be anybody else. It’s just not going to work. You are doing yourself a disservice by trying to be someone else. You should just be who you are. Once you start trying, you’ve already missed the road. That’s a takeaway from how I live my life for sure.

“You should be yourself even if something else is expected of you. You win, automatically, when you are yourself, no matter what that looks like. That’s why there’s variety.

“We’re different and are not all meant to be the same. And I know there’s a standard, but there shouldn’t be one. There shouldn’t be a standard for what people should dress like if they’re artists, or what people should dress like if they’re women. I just feel like we’re all unique. There shouldn’t be a requirement. That’s what I mean by standard. There shouldn’t be a requirement or some kind of expectation that you dress a certain way.”

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