There is no cause for alarm – Dangote on fire outbreak at his refinery

Dangote Sugar Refinery reports N26.70bn profit for 2020

Amid the fear sparked by a fire that on Wednesday, June 26, gutted Dangote Refinery located in Lagos State, the company has said there is no cause for alarm.

Many see the mega refinery as the hope for the fuel crises that Nigeria often has, although the company management has been alleging intricate sabotage.

There has, consequently, been a lot of scare concerning the fire.

The fire has however been contained.

But a statement by the Dangote Group’s Chief Branding and Communication Officer, Anthony Chiejina, the disaster does not affect the refinery’s operation.

“We have swiftly contained a minor fire incident at our effluent treatment plant (ETP), today Wednesday 26th of June.

“There is no cause for alarm as the refinery is operating and there is no recorded injury or body harm to all our staff on duty,” he said.


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