My membership of APC has been rendered useless – Salihu Lukman

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We’re backing up this post in your browser, just in case. Add title Military action alone can’t end banditry, kidnappings - PGF DG Permalink:…dnappings-pgf-dg/ ‎EditBackend EditorGutenberg Editor Add Media YouTube Dr Salihu Lukman, Director-General, Progressive Governors` Forum (PGF) says lifting more Nigerians out of poverty is critical to ending banditry, kidnapping and abduction of school children in Nigeria. Lukman said this in a statement on Monday in Abuja. He said it would be deceptive to imagine that development could be achieved if the root cause of current security challenge in the country was not addressed. He stressed that with the current high rate of kidnappings, there has to be a special framework to guarantee security of Nigerian farmers. The PGF DG said that the focus of governments at all levels should be to lift more Nigerians out of poverty by ensuring successful implementation of government initiatives. “Our loyalty to our leaders must, as necessity, include getting our leaders to succeed in lifting Nigerians out of poverty. “That is perhaps the only insurance cover that can support us to begin to move towards peaceful coexistence in the country,’’ Lukman said. He added that military action alone was not sufficient in addressing challenges of banditry and kidnappings in the country. He said the good thing, however, was that the APC and its leadership were not in denial of the reality on ground. Lukman said that since May 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari had declared Federal Government`s commitment to lift 100 million Nigerians out of poverty. He noted that since 2015, the government has been implementing National Social Investment Programme (NSIP) which was far more than what past governments had done. He said there was; however, need to ensure that credible method of targeting the poor and vulnerable for the reduction of poverty, effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms were employed under the NSIP initiatives. He said that different welfare investments were being implemented in the country under the NSIP to reduce poverty and close up the wide income inequality gap between the rich and the poor. Lukman, however, said that in spite of the security challenges, infrastructure development had been a major priority of the Buhari administration more than any government in the country`s recent history. “Railways have returned as a mode of transportation in the country; Abuja Metro Rail, Abuja – Kaduna Rail and Itakpe – Ajaokuta – Warri Rail started by previous administrations have been completed. “The Lagos – Ibadan Rail started by the current APC administration in 2017 has also been completed,’’ Lukman said. He said in addition to the return of railways, there were so many ongoing road projects across country. Word count: 403 Draft saved at 1:49:54 pm. 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“I have therefore gone back to the trenches and will try to work with all committed Nigerians who agree and subscribe to the goal of actively campaigning for the survival and development of democracy in Nigeria.”


A former member of the National Working Committee (NWC) of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Malam Salihu Lukman, has resigned from the governing party.

His disengagement from the party was contained in a statement he issued in Abuja on Wednesday, June 12, titled: “APC and The Future of Nigerian Democracy: Letter to Selected APC Leaders.”

The former national vice chairman (North West) hinged his decision on the lack of internal democracy and inability of the leadership of the party to allow the much needed reforms within the party.

The former Director General of the Progressive Governors’ Forum (PGF) in the statement however failed to disclose his next destination but said he has gone back to trenches with other political leaders ahead of the 2027 general elections.

He said: “Given all this, it is possible to remain in APC if at all President Tinubu will allow internal reform in the party to return it to its founding vision, which as it is, is very remote. But my reality now in the party is that my membership has been rendered useless and there is no need for me to continue to impose myself.

“I have therefore gone back to the trenches and will try to work with all committed Nigerians who agree and subscribe to the goal of actively campaigning for the survival and development of democracy in Nigeria.

“We must grow our democracy to the point whereby elected representatives at all levels are accountable to the party and it is possible for Nigerians represented by various interests to develop strong relationship with political parties and elected governments based on which policies of governments can be made to reflect wider interests of Nigerians.

“I am confident that a strong democracy with functional political parties is possible in Nigeria. I am also confident that in our lifetime we can produce governments that are truly capable of making the lives of Nigerians better. I don’t expect party leaders will agree with my decision. I believe that eventually, we will be united will all party leaders and other Nigerians who are committed to developing Nigerian democracy.”


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