Adeleke to Aregbesola: What you did in the history of Osun will continue to speak for you


A former Governor of Osun State, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, savoured kind words on Saturday when he celebrated his 67th birthday.

Among other dignitaries who showered praises on him, Gov. Ademola Adeleke said the seed he sowed in the state would always speak for him.

Many people believe Aregbesola worked for Adeleke during the last election.

But the governor appraised him on his political philosophy, saying it was instructive that many people were still following him after he had left office.

Adeleke, who spoke through the Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Teslim Igbalaye, said, “You are blessed. You only know a core politician by the calibre of people following him when he is not in power.

“For me to see the calibre of people here even without you being in power at the moment, it means God is with you. It also shows that you are grounded.

“From Osogbo to Iwo to Ejigbo, the crop of politicians with you are the core politicians of Osun.

“You are someone who always elevates your followers, and today, you are reaping the fruits of that loving gesture of yours.

“I want to tell you that whether somebody decides to celebrate you or not, what you did in the history of Osun will continue to speak for you.

“On behalf of the Osun State Executive Council, we are celebrating you. Continue to do good for people.”



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