Shettima attributed Nigeria’s projected rise to become the world’s third-largest economy by 2075 to Tinubu


Shettima, speaking at the Presidential Villa in Abuja during a meeting with a delegation from the Commonwealth Enterprise Investment Council (CWEIC) led by CEO Rosie Glazerbrook, emphasized the commitment of the Tinubu administration to creating a conducive environment for both local and foreign investors. He highlighted initiatives such as leveraging the country’s youth population in digital technology, improving electricity supply, and boosting production and manufacturing.

Shettima underscored the administration’s determination to turn Nigeria’s demographic bulge into demographic dividends, harnessing the potential of its young population for national development.

The Vice President asserted that Nigeria, under the leadership of Tinubu, is poised for business growth, benefiting from a leader with a background in business who is dedicated to supporting business development.

Glazerbrook, in response, pledged CWEIC’s support to the Nigerian government, outlining upcoming events aimed at promoting trade and investment, both in Nigeria and internationally. She expressed the organization’s commitment to facilitating trade and investment into Nigeria and supporting Nigerian businesses seeking to engage with foreign partners.

Additionally, prominent figures such as Chief Jim Ovia and Olasupo Shasore were also in attendance, along with representatives from various sectors.

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