Minister Acknowledges Tinubu as a Advocate for National Cohesion through Inclusive Governance


Addressing the critical role of media in shaping societal perceptions, Minister Idris stressed the need for responsible management to prevent reinforcing stereotypes and divisions. He highlighted the challenges posed by misinformation and disinformation, particularly on social media, emphasizing their potential to escalate tensions and undermine national unity.

Acknowledging the impact of biased reporting and inflammatory content, Idris underscored the importance of countering narratives that sow discord and amplify existing fault lines. To address these concerns, the minister revealed ongoing engagements with tech companies, aiming for a balanced approach that upholds freedom of expression while safeguarding against potential harms on social media.

The Ministry’s commitment extends to aligning content and regulatory frameworks with international standards to ensure consistency with global best practices. Idris emphasized a regulatory approach that respects diverse perspectives while effectively addressing challenges.

In the context of promoting national cohesion, the minister recognized the inherent challenges posed by poverty. He highlighted the Tinubu administration’s commitment to lifting millions of Nigerians out of poverty, citing a reset in the Ministry and government agencies charged with this responsibility. Economic empowerment, according to Idris, serves as a catalyst for wealth redistribution and social equity, mitigating feelings of marginalization.

Quoting the minister, his spokesman emphasized that economic empowerment and poverty alleviation are central to Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda, aligning with the objective of fostering a more equitable society through access to opportunities for citizens across diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

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