WHO reiterates warnings of dire water shortage in Gaza


The World Health Organisation (WHO) on Tuesday repeated its warnings of the dire situation in the Gaza Strip, pointing to a particularly precarious water shortage.


WHO regional director Rick Brennan said the WHO estimates that there were only three litres of water per person per day left, whereas the minimum requirement per person is 15 litres, for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene.


He said hardly anyone has taken a proper shower or bath there in recent weeks.


Brenan added that with about one million displaced people, toilets were a huge problem.


He said, “ Diarrhoeal diseases, skin and respiratory infections are only a matter of time.


“Some 200 women give birth every day, but they cannot find safe spaces to deliver their babies or reach hospitals in case of complications.


“In the densely populated coastal strip, the humanitarian situation remains catastrophic for the people living in the besieged Palestinian territory more than two weeks since the war began.’’

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