Senate drama: Ndume storms out chamber as Akpabio overrules him

BREAKING: Court releases Ndume on bail

A drama ensued in the Senate on Tuesday as the Chief Whip of Senate, Sen.Ali Ndume left the plenary, after President of Senate, Godswill Akpabio, ruled him out of order.

Ndume had raised a point of order citing Order 54 of Senate rule, saying that it was the responsibility of the Chief Whip to remind and guild Senate on procedure and processes of plenary.

Ndume,  through the order, attempted to draw the attention of the Senate President to matters relating to proceedings of Senate.

But President of Senate, shortly after listening to Ndume’s point of order said the section quoted by Ndume was not the same with the content of Order 54 cited.

Akpabio consequently ruled him out of order.

At this point, Ndume left the plenary and went to his office, as Senate President called for a closed session.

However, Ndume on receiving a call from a colleague that the Senate resolved into close session returned back to join proceedings in the closed session.


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