Australian researchers identify new molecule to overcome cancer drug resistance

Cancer cases in younger people rising globally – Researchers

Researchers from Australia’s University of Queensland have identified a new drug target that has the potential to overcome drug resistance and prevent tumor regrowth in cancer patients.

The newly identified molecule, which is currently not a target for cancer treatment, will open the potential for drug development.

A news release reported Helmut Schaider, an associate professor from the university’s Frazer Institute, as saying on Friday.

The research, published in the Drug Resistance Updates, has identified a molecule that is crucial for cancer cells to regain the ability to proliferate while under treatment.

“The next step is to develop drugs to target this molecule,’’ Schaider said.

Drug resistance is the single major cause of death in cancer patients, and it affects all cancer types with adverse outcomes for patients and the healthcare system, said Schaider.

Schaider unveiled that an international research effort was underway to understand how cancer patients develop resistance to drugs and to find suitable targets for intervention.

According to him, the success of this has so far been limited.

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