At last a gallant CORPER after 5 extra years an attempted suicide!

Yes, he attempted to commit suicide twice and each time I called him on phone!
He got admission in 2013 and was supposed to graduate in 2017 but didn’t leave school until 2022. Almost 10 years struggling with a degree!!! He couldn’t mention at home at a point so I took up the responsibilities. Very brilliant and intelligent but the enemy gave him troubles. Don’t think he wasn’t serious o. Just pray you don’t face battles like this. This guy cried, wept, got frustrated but God came through.
 In one of those years, he stayed at THE CITY OF TALENTS having taken a break. To him, he wasn’t interested anymore. His friends forsook him but Jesus carried him. I never discussed him with anyone. I always referred to him as a University graduate.  Another mentee, Olamide said ‘no wonder I was always defending him’. He was never wrong.
One day something happened: I scolded him and he angrily packed his luggage and left for Lagos. I knew Satan was interested in him. I called him and told him ‘fight me but never drop out of school’. His head came to normal 😂😂 and he returned. He went back to school and did exams and his final year project. I became the only person he could call and talk to. Not long after, the HoD called me there was a course he didn’t register and he would need to return for another session. ‘Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, I will never go back there!’ He made up his mind. All this while, nobody knew in his house. I said ‘boy, if you don’t go back to do that one paper, that day would be the eternal anniversary of your academic failure’. He went back and God helped me to sort the fees.
Today, I’m excited to tell you that Oluwagbotemi has served his nation and you can now call him a GRADUATE. I am happy you listened to me and I am proud of you. See now, the suffering of then is nothing compared to today’s testimony. May God continue to protect you in Jesus name.
Friends, whatever you are going through, just hope in God and let him send your angel to you. Let this story inspire you. Don’t give up.
O ya, it’s time to eat beans o Ogbeni
See as him dey smile, oniyeye
– Williams Oreofe
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