Israel commemorates victims of the Holocaust, Jewish resistance

Naftali Bennett , Israeli PM

Israel on Tuesday commemorated the Jewish resistance and the millions of Jews murdered during the Holocaust as they prepared for their 80th remembrance.

Yom HaShoah, the Holocaust Remembrance Day, has been marked in Israel since 1951.

This year the Jewish resistance against German SS troops in the Warsaw Ghetto, which started on April 19, 1943, will be remembered on its 80th anniversary.

The uprising ended some four weeks later, leaving only a small number of Warsaw Jews alive.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will attend a commemoration ceremony in Warsaw on Wednesday.

The German National Socialists and accomplices murdered about 6 million Jews during the Nazi regime that lasted from 1933-1945.

According to official figures, 147,199 Holocaust survivors still live in Israel.

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