Puzzle as NDLEA withholds name of General Overseer arrested for drugs in Lagos

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Many are currently puzzled over the identity of a General Overseer that the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency on Sunday said it had arrested over alleged drug trafficking.

The NDLEA spokesperson, Femi Babafemi, announced the arrest in a social media post on Sunday, but he neither gave the name of the church nor that of the GO.
Noting that the cleric was apprehended alongside several others over an attempt to export methamphetamine and skunk to Dubai, Babafemi explained: “Church General Overseer busted! You go to seek refuge in the House of God and there the shepherd recruits you into drug trafficking,” he said in a post on his Facebook and Twitter accounts.

“Anyway, the details of the arrest of Daddy GO & others by @ndlea_nigeria in Lagos yesterday over a busted attempt to export meth and skunk to Dubai will come in our statement at noon,” he added.

The NDLEA spokesman also posted videos of how the methamphetamine was concealed in kegs of palm oil.

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