Police speak on 21 teenagers kidnapped in Katsina

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The Police Command in Katsina State says it is making efforts to rescue the 21 teenagers abducted from a farmland in Mairuwa, Faskari Local Government area of the state.

The victims, who are mostly between the age of 16 and 21, were kidnapped on Oct. 4, 2022.
The command’s Public Relations Officer, SP Gambo Isa, said that the police were on the trail of the abductors.
He told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday in Katsina that the victims were labourers harvesting crops on the farm when the kidnappers went away with them.

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Isa, who added that seven of those abducted were girls, assured that the command was doing everything possible to get the teenagers back home safely.

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