Seasoned actor, Patrick Doyle, has condemned ladies saying that the reason veteran actress Joke Silva has been caring for her aging and ailing husband, Olu Jacobs, is that he too had been devoted and caring to her in the past.
Doyle is amused at such thinking, saying the Joke Silva he knows would maintain the same disposition no matter how Jacobs handled her in the past.
He is also surprised that the ladies are recommending torment for any man who might not have been fortright in the marriage.
He notes in a Facebook post:
“All those women hinging Joke Silva’s devotion to her ailing elderly husband on his devotion and care towards her in the early stages of the marriage, have simply got it wrong.
“According to them ‘not so faithful and devoted husbands’ should not expect the same kind of treatment in the twilight of their lives.
“They even go as far as telling such men to expect torment from their wives in old age.
“In their little minds, they have concluded that Joke Silva shares their flawed philosophy.
“The Joke that I know would have still treated Uncle Olu with the same measure of love and devotion even if he were a philanderer and wife beater, which thankfully he was not.
“She would never have taken advantage of his vulnerability to torture him because it’s simply not in her DNA to do so.
“She belongs to the old school where dignity and honour count and doing the right thing is not contingent upon reciprocity.
“Salt may mimic sugar in appearance, but there is a difference. Let it be.
“Let it be known that Joke Silva, the wife of Oludotun Jacobs and mother of Soji, is not a member of the “Egbe’ Kini O’ko’ Ose’ Club”(wetin husband fit do sef).
“Joke Omoluabi, I say a big thank you on behalf of all men, perfect and flawed.”
Some of the people, especially women, who have commented on the post however disagree with Doyle, saying his idea is illogical.
Yet, others reason with him in their reactions.