Is Leke Adeboye a victim of ambiguity or indiscretion?


Elijah Adebero

Leke, son of iconic Pastor EA Adeboye has been in the news for a wrong reason.

Unfortunately, the cause is one that many believe he is avoidable.

He called some pastors of the church a ‘goat’.

Their sin, according to him, is that they went to deliver a sermon after Adeboye, the General Overseer, had done so.

The matter is becoming a stale one because Leke has apologised, even when he initially said the ‘goat’ he meant was biblically metaphoric.

So, is he a victim of indiscretion or ambiguity?

Ambiguity is recorded when an expression is capable of being interpreted in more than one way.

For instance, if someone says, ‘They are cutting the weeds’, someone might think of either the common unwanted plants, while others may think of hemp.

So, is Leke’s example that of ambiguity or indiscretion?

Anyway, it is good he has apologied as the statement did not do justice to what the father and the church stand vfor.

He had initially said, “Why would you go and preach another sermon after, Daddy GO has just finished speaking and preaching.

You are not a son, you are a goat sir.

Next Thanksgiving service, just do alter call, then Thanksgiving”

After his post, he was being criticised and asked to apologise for using such words.”

Then the apology:


I wish to use this medium to tender my unreserved apologies on the statement made from my social media handle about some of our esteemed pastors.

The disciplinary measures taken by the mission is well received and this period will be used to reflect and introspect.

I wish to crave your indulgence to please forgive my extreme statement which I wish to emphasise was absolutely not intended to insult or malign.

I also wish to apologise profusely to the entire leadership and pastors of our beloved church who might have been hurt by this statement.

I remain humbly yours in God’s love and mercies.

Yours in His service,

Leke Adeboye.”

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