Germans donate huge sums to alleviate suffering in Ukraine

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Concern for the people of Ukraine is driving donations to record levels in Germany.

As German Central Institute for Social Issues predicted that a fundraiser for the victims of the war will be the largest relief action in Germany history.

The German Aktionsbündis Katastrophenhilfe, an umbrella organisation that consists of Caritas international, the German Red Cross, UNICEF Germany, and the humanitarian organisation of the German evangelical church, have reported donations of over 76 million euro (84 million dollars) so far.

“Never in the history of our organisation, so never in the last 21 years, have we had so many donations in so little time,” said the manager of the Aktionsbündis, Dominique Mann.

Another German humanitarian organisation, Aktion Deutschland Hilft, reported donations of 55.9 million euro, which the spokesperson compared to the sums donated in the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2021 flooding in Germany.

According to Aktion Deutschland Hilft’s head of online marketing, digital payment methods were a factor in the size of the donations, as people could donate quickly and easily.

German cinemas are also planning a fundraiser for the people of Ukraine.

On March 20, over 450 screens across Germany will show the documentary “Klitschko” about the Ukrainian superstar boxer brothers, with all proceeds going to a children’s aid organisation.

A group of German business organisations has also launched an initiative to organise aid deliveries to Ukraine and to help refugees find work in Germany.

The initiave “WirtschaftHilft” will provide information to refugees about their rights and help them find jobs and access social security.

At the same time, the initiative aims to assist German businesses to donate aid to Ukraine, acting as a mediator between the two countries and providing logistical support.

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