Why are mothers bothering primary school toddlers with hair extension?

Bamidele Johnson

By Bamidele Johnson

I need someone to explain to me why some mothers who, with the acquiescence of husbands/partners, think it’s a terrific idea to have their female toddlers wear hair extensions, earrings hanging like chandeliers, outsized bangles etc.

When my daughters were in primary school, the school owner, a staid Foursquare-type woman, had to really go hard on parents who kept having the children’s hair made with beads.

Some of the children, the woman explained until she couldn’t take it anymore, stuck the beads in their noses or swallowed them, causing emergencies. Yet, their mothers continued being indifferent to school rules until kids started getting sent back if the wore beaded hairstyles like Stevie Wonder used to.

Is it impossible to allow these kids to be kids? They have a lifetime of make-up wearing and other vanities ahead of them. I have seen some of slight build looking like a scarecrow because the hair extension on the head is a thicket. There’s a chance that we’d soon start seeing nose-ringed five year-olds with false eyelashes, talon-like nails, anklets, waist chain visible from low-slung trousers-all in the name of hans and swag

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