Foluke Sijuwola Falayi
If I asked: What precautions are you taking as you celebrate Christmas, travelling and attending functions here and there, at this end of the year, what would be your response?
The fact is that many people, due to the excitement of the season, have shut their senses to safety and security signals. You would agree with me that there’s no better time to be more security-sensible than now. It is around this phase of the year that families, parents, ladies, men and women are to be more security conscious.
In festive moments there is higher crime rate and fraudulent and activities are rife. The greater rate of accident on our highways and major roads, domestic accident, kidnapping, child molestation and rape are also common at this time. Good citizens are not supposed to write off safe keeping.
There are things people to pay extra attention to at this period. Children are susceptible. It is important where you put them or who they stay with when you are out. Child molesters and rapist are everywhere. You need to keep an eye on young ones and watch them.
Do not neglect the old people too. Check on them constantly. Share the joy of the season with them as they are vulnerable to thieves and fraudsters who deceive through phones.
Adults, especially ladies, should mind where they go, what they drink and eat and should avoid visiting who they do not trust. It is not at all parties you should be seen.
Keep an eye on your bags and purses at the local markets, supermarkets, malls and other gatherings. It is not everyone who is at these places that is good. Some go there for the purpose of stealing. Some years back, I was nearly robbed in a jam-packed major market in Lagos, as a thief cut my bag with a blade – by the side.
When attending functions, make sure where you park your vehicle is safe, and it’s within the allocation of guards. Delay and avoid posting pictures and your location on social media. Some individuals have fallen victims of robbery and kidnapping just by not being sensitive to this.
Make sure you tell your family and the people living with you about your whereabouts. The little ones should be kept outside the kitchen when frying, boiling and doing other cooking activities are going on.
Little children should avoid hairdos that involve hot water, lit candles, needle and other sharp objects. If they must do, then the stylist must be mentally lively and watchful.
Before travelling, ensure your vehicle is in good condition. Check for spare tyres, water, fire extinguisher, jack and the rest.
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If you are not familiar with a road, or it has been long you travelled that road, get someone who knows the road and more experienced to drive you and your loved ones when travelling from one town to another and from one state to another.
Avoid drinking, and if you must drink, do not drink to stupor, as it has its disadvantages.
Be careful on your use of phones in public. Some people are impervious when it comes to using phones. There’s nothing they can’t say on phone inside commercial vehicles and public places. They speak to the other persons at the end of the line about money alerts they have received, when they are purchasing some items, the next business contract, the next movement and all that.
Such personal calls shouldn’t be made in public. If you happen to get that kind of call in such places, ask the person to call you back and, if it’s urgent, tell them that you must reach the person at that moment, chat or send text messages.
This period of the year, harmattan is constant and aids fire in spreading. Avoid burning grasses and, if it’s essential, take the necessary safeguards and seek experts’ advice.
Ensure your burner, cylinder are off when you are not cooking. Ensure electric switches are off when you are outside the house.
Ensure your security lights are on at the night. They keep burglars away. The last but not the least: pray and be at alert.
Pay attention to these as you merry. Do not be carried away by fêtes. Merry Christmas, folks.