USAID underscores role of media in peace mediation


Media has a major role to play in conflict resolution through conflict-sensitive reporting.
The declaration was made in Lagos on Wednesday by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Savannah Centre for Diplomacy Democracy and Development (SCDDD).
They made the declaration at a two-day workshop on “Community initiatives to promote peace and conflict-sensitive reporting for media practitioners.’’
The workshop was jointly packaged by Mercy Corps Nigeria, African Radio and Drama Association and the Interfaith Mediation Centre, all NGOs.
Dr Shittu Mukthari, Agreement Officer, at USAID, who spoke virtually said: “the media has the professional responsibility to obtain the truth, but sometimes it is not the truth that is the issue; but the way it is reported.
“For instance, instead of saying churches and mosques have been destroyed; simply replace that by using places of worship.
“Remember, whenever you want to publish a report, ask if it will exacerbate concerns.
“Is it going to educate and inform or entertain? And in this context, is it really going to convey the message to the people that there is a problem?
“We all have a collective responsibility to ensure that we are not helping to support crises and conflicts and that is why the issue of conflict-sensitivity reporting becomes extremely important.’’
Mukthari noted that the media had been greatly involved in Nigeria’s journey to democracy as well as human rights issues and forging of unity.
In his remarks, Amb. Sani Bala, Executive Director, SCDDD, said that the objective of the workshop was to strengthen stakeholders’ capacity on international best practices on peace-building and sensitive conflict reportage.
He said that the Community Initiatives to Promote Peace project was designed to mitigate violent conflicts in at-risk communities in Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kogi, Benue and Plateau states through an integrated, multifaceted programme.
According to him, the workshop is an outcome of a previous national quarterly policy desk review conducted by the SCDDD with support from Mercy Corps.
Bala urged the media to continue to promote peace through balanced reportage devoid of elements that could stir hatred, conflicts, violence or disunity and disharmony.

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