Group tasks South West governors on unity, economic development


pan-Yoruba group, Majeobaje Movement has tasked Governors of the six South West States to unite and implement priority interventions in key sectors.
This is contained in a communique issued on Wednesday in Ibadan after a session organised by the group.
The News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) reports that the session with the theme ‘Western Nigeria and Sustainable Development: The Regional Integration Imperative’ was held virtually and physically.
Majeobaje, an organisation whose steadfast public interventions and engagements seek to promote the virtues of good governance across the South-West of Nigeria is convened by Chief Tayo AkinDeko.
NAN also reports that the event held at the Educational Advancement Centre (EAC), Bodija, Ibadan was attended by representatives of various interest groups from across the south-west.
The meeting agreed that synergy among all the south-west states if embraced, would foster efficiency and rapid economic development.
They resolved that accelerated economic development of the old western region could be achieved if south-west politicians and activists prioritised interest rather than partisan politics alone.
The meeting agreed that the historical, cultural and language similarity of the region be used to facilitate economic integration as well as accelerated development.
“We must unite to design and implement priority interventions in key sectors such as agriculture, ICT, transportation, power, solid minerals as well as tourism.
“This will contribute to skills development and job creation especially among youths. This will in turn contribute to the reduction of crime, insecurity and drug abuse,” they resolved.
They acknowledged the efforts of Development Agenda for Western Nigeria (DAWN) Commission in the last 10 years of its existence, urging it to bridge the gap between benchmarked projections and reality.
“In order to leverage the lessons of the past, ensure effective consolidation, harmonisation and coordination of existing Western Nigeria integration frameworks, policies and strategies.
“Our governors must empower the commission to work with Odu’a Investment Limited, SWAgCO, Majeobaje Movement, private sector, development partners, multilateral agencies, their governments as well as women and youth groups
“To institute an evidence data-base and regional development tracking system to ensure the success of the agenda,” the communique read in parts.
The meeting resolved to mobilise
political will toward ensuring the institutionalisation of regional economic integration of old western region without further delay.
Participants reiterated their determination to collectively make the south-west states the first choice to live, work and recreate.
The meeting called for continuous dialogues by Majeobaje toward achieving the best of economic integration and development for the region.
Among some of the groups present are
Karoojire Initiative, Agbeloba ile Odua,
Odua redemption, Yoruba National
Assembly, DAWN Commission, Odua Nationalist Coalition and Igangan
Development Advocates
Also present are Amotekun, Yoruba Council of Elders, Agbekoya Peace Movement, Odua National Congress, Yoruba Youth Council, Hunters Association of Nigeria and Vigilante Group of Nigeria.
Others Odua Peoples Congress, So Safe Corp, Afenifere Renewal Group, Bodija Estate Residence Association as well as CEDAR Center for Enterprise Development and Action Recreation.
NAN reports that the event was also attended by investment groups, NGOs, religious houses as well as activist groups from within and outside Nigeria.

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