Namibia auctions 57 elephants


Environment Ministry spokesman Romeo Muyunda on Wednesday said Namibia auctioned 57 wild elephants raising 5.9 million Namibian dollars (400,000 dollars).

Muyunda said the elephants sold were among 170 put on tender in December 2020.

“A total of 15 elephants will be captured and remain in Namibia while 42 will be exported out of Namibia.

“The capturing will start this month to be conducted by Namibian registered game capture operators and supervised by the ministry’s officials.’’

Muyunda said the aim of the auction was to reduce elephant numbers in specified areas to minimise human-elephant conflicts, which had become persistent and led to deaths, extensive property damage, and disruption of people’s livelihoods.

“The funds generated through this auction will be transferred into the Game Product Trust Fund to be reinvested in the conservation of Namibia’s wild animals, including in community conservancies.

“Particularly the funds will be used for human-wildlife conflict management, and wildlife management among others.’’

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