Yeni tackles Marwa over proposition to compel drug test before marriage


Lasun Alagbe

Princess of the afro beat kingdom, Yeni Kuti, has kicked against an idea by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency to do drug test for about-to-weds before allowing them to marry.
The NDLEA Chairman, Buba Marwa, had hinted that, based on how devastating the effects of drug abuse was in the country, it was considering a drug test before marriage.
Reacting while on ‘You View’ on TVC on Tuesday morning, Yeni said the move would infringe on the right of intending couples.
She said, “For me to plan to marry, that means I am 21 and ready to do so. And you are saying I must go and take a drug test before I marry. That is unacceptable. If suspect I take drugs and you want to catch me, find a way to do so.
“If you say students should take it before taking exams, I have no problem with that. Yes. That is even before legal age.’’
She added that the move would even prove futile because, according to her, many who take drugs don’t marry.
“I don’t take drugs, my partner doesn’t and you say I should be subjected to a test. Next time, before we do our birthdays, you would say we should do a drug test,”Yeni added.
She noted that it was all public officials that should take the drug test.
“A lot of drug takers don’t get married. And what if they start taking drugs after marriage?” she asked.
While her colleagues on the programme showed understanding towards what provoked the thought in Marwa, Nimah, who is a lawyer, defended the proposition, saying it was not illegal.

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