Imperative of Reviewing World Diplomacy, by Timothy Oladele Gold

Oladele Gold

The circumstances surrounding human existence count much as they are the that drives mankind in resisting and persisting .Thus, the quest for peace and abhorrence of war are outstanding instincts aiding survival.
The outbreak of the Gulf War from 2 August 1990 to 28 February 1991 originally gave birth to this essay that was written under a morbid fear of a looming world war.
Moreover , word peace can not be overestimated in the world system .A factor that is regarded as the basic ingredient of socio-political cohabitation of diverse races forming denizens of the planet earth.
However, peace is described as “absence of war’ by laymen on the premise of antonym .A definition that looks more of idealist and devoid of empirical psychological facts that revolve around the words peace and war . Meanwhile ,the recondite doomsday (doomsday phobia) ultimately vindicates the claim that a considerable number of the world residents live , at least with apocalyptic fear .
Evidently, peace transcends absence of war; rather , absence of premonition of a mere violence.
Blitz and rumble of gunshots are believed to basically characterize the delivery of a possibly agelong “hoodoo’ in the womb of cruelty
History , however, has proved that warfare; internecine attrition or total annihilation are all found to be at the expense of the peace of both the victor and vanquished . And by extension the vulnerable and the life of the materiel .
Africa, especially Nigeria, cannot afford to live in the ignorance of violence as a result of civil war that took place in the early 70s, a tragic event that left a lingering vestige after decades .
The world at large is groaning under severe sporadic attacks from inveterate and impenitent terrorists ; people with the view to constituting nuisance to world peace system.
Howbeit the world is living in morbid fear of possible attacks from daredevils with the spirit of sadomasochism whose operation looks organized and more of networking across the globe .
Nihilism and religious fundamentalism are obviously ravaging the world beyond measure: the monumental aerial bombardment of World Trade Centre New York in September 11,2001 .A tale of an hijacked plane that ran into the lofty edifice and left casualties and disasters for the world to mourn. .
A retrospect into the trend of breach of peace that occurred in the history of the world and Africa in particular tends to engender spirit of retaliation in the hearts of bereaved and disaffected despite the noticeable resilience .
While the challenge of the world peace is beyond the rapacious attacks carried out by terrorists and war mongering persons rather the tendency for break down of resilience among the pacifists.
The need for a workable peace building process is imperative in Africa. An arrangement that will recognize the ideals of consistency of unflinching spirit of coexistence .
The Fulani headers are noted for discarding staffs for a lethal weapon; AK-47 assault riffles to rear droves . The pastoral engagement that used to be innocuous to the society, suddenly turns inimical and blood sapping.
Boko Haram insurgency and other related terrorist groups such as bandits ,herdsmen etc have made the northern Nigeria a den for the inhabitants.
Unfortunately, the northern Nigeria is constantly under the siege of the miscreants who are noted to be non-southerners . They assail indiscriminately, leaving behind colossal human disasters .
However, a school of though is strongly of the opinion that the tumult is borne out of political rivalry and machinations. While others claim it is a sheer religious fundamentalism: Fulani expansionism (fulanization project ).
It is highly essential to carefully study and ponder the operations of the parties involved in these unrests .Thus,. Boko Haram that started by razing down churches. killing priests and other Christian faithful grew to attack mosques and Islamic clerics and pundits .
Meanwhile, an offshoot called “Fulani herdsmen’ by identification often intrude into farmlands owned by Muslim brethren, wreak havoc, maim and kill.
Africa and the world at large have reached a labyrinth which makes the landscape more of a maze full of trudge .
The factors that play vital roles in activities of the terrorists are apparently substantial : The quest for FUND and FUN …While CON plays a vital role …
The players, especially the hitmen, are either cashing fund or catching fun by disturbing the peace of the world.
The treatise cannot afford to make religion exclusively Innocent as far as the factors responsible are concerned .As a matter of fact , the world is of the prejudice that religion is a fundamental factor.
Supremacism which could be best described as non-sectarian religious order is. undoubtedly, the underlying factor. A religion in its own capacity, ,enthusing the hearts of the fanatics and bigots to defend supremacy and superiority by elimination of inferiors …
Suicide bombing that complicates matters of insurgency is equally adjudged to be a function of supremacism bred by CON: The suborned are often given solace in enjoying ethereal wealth hereafter. They bask in the euphoria and appanage of martyrdom which include 72 virgins maidens, all in the defence of supremacy of thought. philosophy tenets and doctrines .
This is no wise a denigrating allusion to Islam ,as the faith is reputed to be peace loving.
At this juncture, it is essential to differentiate between terrorism and militantism, though they both belligerently wrestle with peace and tranquility …The Lords Resistance Army, a Christian militia movement otherwise known as rebel group, founded by Joseph Kony in 1987 with the view to enforcing the Decalogue (Ten commandment ) as stated in Christian holy book, is a typical example of militancy
Nigeria is not left out in this experience: the insurgency of a militant group, Movement For The Emancipation Of Niger Delta (MEND) in a predominantly Christian region referred to as Niger Delta .The group has been agitating over the ecological degradation of the region caused by oil exploration and distributive justice as regards derivation formula and sundry bothering on resource control
Without tergiversation, militancy is an organized violence, commonly carried out with mailed fist .A struggle slightly different from terrorism that is a sheer discharge of ruthless offensive without any cogent and feasible mission .
Diplomatically speaking , the notable suspects and culprits of terrorism often carry a reprisal after ugly severance of tie with the task masters who have initially patronized and nurtured the deed against perceived fiendish nations
Unfortunately, mankind is domiciled under ugly and inhuman threatening circumstances brought about by sheer rivalry, superiority tussle and arrogance among the super power .
To be continued …

* Dr Timothy Oladele Gold is an educationist, public affairs analyst and performer.

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