Iran in talks with Russia, China, India on COVID-19 vaccine purchase

COVID-19: NPHCDA vaccinates 638,291 people as at March 30
COVID-19 vaccine

Iran is holding consultations with Russia, China, and India on the procurement of Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, according to a top-ranking official.

Spokeswoman for the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Sima Sadat Lari, disclosed this on Monday as quoted by the state-run Mehr news agency.

“To date, consultations have been held with China, India, and Russia regarding the purchase (of a vaccine against coronavirus), but the sanctions make financial transactions for the purchase of the vaccine problematic,” Lari said.

Earlier in November, Lari told Sputnik that Tehran was cooperating with Moscow regarding the COVID-19 vaccines.

Iran is also developing its own COVID-19 vaccines and expects the first one to be ready in spring.

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