Ayinla Omowura-Barrister supremacy: Another fuji creator’s fan rises for him


The controversy sparked by popular seasoned journalist and columnist, Festus Adedayo, over the relationship between two Yoruba music legends, Ayinla Omowura and Ayinde Barrister, is still raging.

Adedayo had argued in an article that if Omowura did not died at the time he did, Barrister would not have risen to the height he attained before he died 10 years ago.

A strong supporter of Barrister, Kayode Adejumo Bello, says the claim is a fallacy because Barrister had all it takes to be a superstar.

Below is his stand as contained in his Monday post on Facebook.


The above piece by Dr. Festus Adedayo, a writer, journalist, public affairs commentator and lawyer; for me can only be an attempt to on one side adulate the inimitable Ayinde Barrister MFR while at the same time pandering to the promotion of both his emotional and commercial interests in the great Ayinla Omowura. Dr. Festus did justice to both.

He described Ayinde Barrister MFR with certain flowery adjectives some of us die-in-the-wool Barristas may not even dare use (modesty). Dr. Festus wrote, ‘with Ayinde Barrister’s exit, rigour, candor and panache ended with his exit.’ Whao! That was something. He went on in the same breathe to say, ‘He (Ayinde Barrister MFR) brought rigour into his live plays and even studio recordings, so much so that even his live recordings are today evergreen and eternal.’ And here comes the BIG one; Dr. Adedayo wrote and I quote, ‘…Barrister cannot die!’

Therefore it will be uncouth and uncharitable to accuse Dr. Adedayo of any bias again the Ayinde Barrister phenomenon. He may have over-reached himself by claiming later in the piece that ‘if Omowura had not died, there would never have been the Barrister who supervised over the traditional Yoruba African music stratosphere of the 80s to 2010 like a wild wind.’ Again I strongly protest that that statement above was not out of malice but of his personal conviction and interests in Ayinla Omowura. By Jovi, Dr. Adedayo is not only entitled to his opinion but he is also guaranteed immunity from persecution for holding such.

Be that as it is; it can however be argued that Dr. Festus may have hold such opinion that; but for the death of EegunMogaji, Ayinde Barrister wouldn’t have had the full complements of his greatness and inimitability due to emotions and perhaps paucity of information at his disposal on the subject matter. I would like to at this juncture refer my brother and friend; Dr. Festus Adedayo to the following:

1. Ayinde Barrister created Fuji. That in itself puts him in his own class forever. Even if Fuji had failed to blossom, the CREATOR cannot never be compared to a also ran; no matter how big. For it is a known fact of history that Omowura was one among many Apala musicians. Interestingly, in 1977 in Fuji Disco; Ayinde Barrister defined Fuji music and subsumed Apala under it! Fuji is consisting of Sahara, Apala, Juju! That was audacity. It was only a matter of time before Fuji consumes Apala which it eventually did! From the day the calf was born he had surpassed the ewe in greatness!

2. As students of history, we know that Barrister died 10 years ago. Despite the promises, the aggression and even the success of K1 Mayegun Wasiu Ayinde, he has not amounted to a bit of what Barrister was and STILL IS. With due respect, K1 and all ‘dem’ fuji musicians will need another lifetime to achieve Barrister. Therefore the theory that the death of the great Ayinla Omowura was a factor in the rise and super greatness of Barrister is defeated. In the words of Chief Gani Kola Balogun another commentator on this subject (and a Barry Major); the two of them achieved their destinies: ‘Waidi Ayinla Omowura was destined to reign for 10 years and live forever, Barrister was destined to create a musical genre that would subsume all others and outlive him. Both are now ancestors, not because one died so that the other can shine.’


Finally, in his ‘Awa o ja’ album, Ayinde Barrister’s rejoinder to Ayinla Omowura’s unprovoked attack, Barrister took the higher moral ground. His response was not cowardly as suggested by Dr. Adedayo but wise. He was distinguished. Had he gone full blast against Omowura and the later still died the way he did, it would have been far more difficult to exonerate Barrister of a conspiracy leading to Ayinla’s death! It is therefore a show of super strength and tactical dexterity to say ‘Awa o ja.’ Barrister was obviously carrying something greater on his head. He cannot afford an unnecessary duel.

He was the King.
He was the Kingdom!

May the good Lord continue to rest the soul of the two great sons of Oduduwa.

‘Seriki’ Kayode Adejumo-Bello
Convener and Pioneer President; Ayinde Barrister Legacy Club
Social Media Consultant, Ayinde Barrister Estate

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