Germany records 679 new COVID-19 cases

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The rate of new COVID-19 infections continued to fall in Germany as the number of confirmed cases increased by 679 within one day to 163,175, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) said on Monday.

At the height of the outbreak in Germany, more than 6,000 new infections were recorded by the RKI on a single day.

The RKI announced that the number of deaths from COVID-19 in Germany increased by 43 to 6,692 on Monday, resulting in a fatality rate of 4.1 per cent.

The number of people, who had already recovered from COVID-19, increased by around 2,200 within one day to 132,700 on Monday, according to the RKI.

The reproduction rate of COVID-19 in Germany was at 0.74 as of Sunday.

The RKI and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have repeatedly stated that restrictions would only be eased if this number was well below one.

Merkel and minister presidents of the federal states are scheduled to announce the next steps of Germany’s reopening strategy on Wednesday.

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