The coronavirus pandemic, though not unprecedented, has invaded the world not only with the sting of death but also with another evil named INFODEMIC.
The year 1918 witnessed a virulent pandemic caused by HNI virus that claimed over 50 million souls worldwide, with 675,000 souls lost in the US alone. This however led to the shutting down of churches and mosques across the globe while non-pharmaceutical measures to prevent the spread of the virus which include , social distancing ,nose and mouth masking ,frequent washing of hands ,hand shake abeyance etc. were the order of the day
The significant difference COVID -19 has brought is the so-called INFODEMIC which is engendered by conspiracy theory that puzzles all and sundry. The whole issue has become convoluted and knotty as far as science and technology, and diplomacy are concerned.
It was gathered that the virus originated from Wuhan in China and later pervaded the world without an iota of respect for the super powers. It is imperative and incumbent on us to thus ask relevant questions such as:
(1) Is corona virus an act of God?
(2) If this corona virus was initially discovered in 1965 and it has ever been curable and treatable, is the Covid-19 a corona untamable!
(3) What is the remote cause?
(4) What is the immediate cause?
(5) What is the implication of Bill Gates’s role?
Disease is diametrically an opposite of ease and as such anything that takes ease away is a disease. In as much as misinformation can cause unease and panic in the hearts of men ipso facto ,information can largely infect. So, infodemic in the arena of COVID-9 is worse than the virus itself.
Hearts are palpitating over the much mouthed New World Order, 5th generation of wireless mobile network technology with facilities such as Virtual Reality (VR) Artificial Intelligence (AI ), IoT etc. The 5g Network undoubtedly is a global new found love and the next phase of human endeavour. The wireless technology that will not only be utilised but also loved in spite of its tendency to create unemployment.
The brouhaha that 5g has largely become dispelled by circumstances. But some still believe that this does not exculpate few individuals such as Bill Gates who, they allege, suddenly became a seer.
A cursory look at the words of Gates:
Bill featured on Ellen Dengerene show in April 2015 said, “The government would do the work to be ready for the next epidemic if anything kills over 10million in the next decades it is most likely to be highly infectious virus rather than a war. No missiles but microbes.’
“We have an epidemic like Ebola epidemic in Africa that should have gotten us ready. Then had Zika but a respiratory pandemic that is very wide spread really haven’t seen anything like this for 100 years and I actually thought the anniversary of 1918 would galvanize people as well we are giving money to up to the testing capacity BECAUSE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRY WHERE THEY CANNOT DO THESE QUARANTINE IS WHERE SADLY THE VAST MAJORITY OF DEATHS ARE LIKELY TO TAKE PLACE. ‘
In spite of such suspicion, millions of people still respect Gates and remember the monumental interventions he has undertaken over the years.
The Conspiracy Theory: It is glaring that the world most especially Africa has been drifted to the appreciation of virtual alternatives such as e-Church, e-School, e-Conferences, Webinar .After all Lagos state made its maiden e-Cpurt session in April this year. We shall be forced to patronise ICT by buying data bundles to achieve our aims through virtual alternatives made Hobson’s choice by COVID-19 that compelled us to stay home.
The world cannot afford to be precariously placed on the palm of the genocide and bask in the euphoria of graveyard peace. As a pan Africanist I dwelt on the essence of salvaging our African Continent on several occasions while featuring on a satellite television Star Times 467 on a programme tagged People’s Parliament. This also reminds me ofthe ,2004 occasion of Citizens Forum organised b AFRICAN CITIZENS DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, an international mega event held at Glover Memorial Hall Lagos.
I spoke extensively on the essence of sociopolitical evolution predicated on good followership, a bed rock of good leadership for excellent governance.
Without mincing words, Africa is more bewildered by the fear of unknown emanating from the 5th generation of wireless mobile technology and its twin sister COVID -19 the masked Moloch that has caused carnage.
Many who believe in eschatology are of the opinion and solace that 5g and COVID -19 are the harbingers of end of the world. Yet, another school of thought credulously believe that it is the sins of the world that bedevils the world.
No one asks about the Madagascar sin profile as Madagascar has come up with a native potion that cures the pandemic. It is sad that my nation with the appellation: GIANT OF AFRICA acted Cyclopean in the event of providing local solution in spite of the superfluity of potent herbs we are naturally blessed with, in spite of the acclaimed super trado medics we champion.
COVID +19 has clearly revealed to us that sensitive public offices are mere sinecure just to compensate individuals ,communities, ethnic groups etc. at the expense of the vulnerable citizens
Alas! the oil we have been selling for over five decades cannot provide reliable medicare This is probably the basis for the evil prediction made by Bill and Melinda Gate foreseeing corpses littering the street of Africa, but providence came to our rescue as the true figure of the persons that contracted COVID -19 is negligible till date.
Our dilapidated hospitals and the poor conditions of service suffered by Nigerian doctors, a notable cause for brain drain in the sector, has not been addressed. We cry wolf where there is none, the rich who don’t have confidence in our health system fly abroad only to meet a Nigerian doctor who had left the shores of the nation for greener pastures
It is however imperative to risk manage our economy in the face of Covid-,19. this will reduce the aftermath of the protracted lockdown and down tool. The review of the economic team is highly essential as we cannot afford to slide into a serious austerity after the COVID-19 knowing full well the criminal tendencies among many youths, coupled with Boko Haram insurgency and other social disturbances that could be aggravated by vicissitudes.
We have been under the boots of the wastrels that rejoice in malversation and brigandage. It is high time we had electoral repentance, looking inward and ensuring that a morsel is not equal to our future and that of the posterity.
The mono economy of oil we have been leaning on may not sustain us in the nearest future considering the spate of development in both industrialised and intellectual economies that are taking over all over the world. We can’t jettison our congenital economy which is agrarian in the name of exhausting the natural resources of a geopolitical zone.
Unemployment shall be on the increase by the advent of technology most especially the most embattled generation of wireless technology in the offing. I am of the opinion that Nigerians can’t afford to go Luddite under pressure.
In the light of this, proactive economic measures should be put in place as a lifeline in order to keep the boat safe. Our sovereignty is our strength, our ethnic nationalism is our weakness It is high time we came together as one nation to forestall evil and install progress.
Dr Timothy Oladele Gold:
A doctoral fellow institute of business development and corporate communication professionals.
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Public Diplomacy and Management
Fellow, Institute of Strategic Public Negotiations (public negotiator )
A broadcast Journalist