Akeem Lasisi
For years we had heard the canary rattle the stage
Thinking we were witnessing the end of songs
But when the skylark came up with a classical twist
Our souls rejoiced at clinical tunes.
The MUSON did it
It changed the narrative of our music scene
It said hip hop was good: a trendy thing
Hailing highlife priests,
It said juju was ripe and fuji was right
But, insisting that there was more to music than met the ear,
It opened the gate of classical winds.
A club of sages did it,
Cerebral as a teacher’s pen
Widely travelled like a passenger plane:
The sages did it
Pooled their earnings and sponsors’ mites
To give the city a classical lift.
So, whenever you need a music that strengthens souls
Or you want to learn the art of singing and science of the strings
Come with me to the MUSON Centre
Or you wait till our spectacular festival of marathon songs.

First published in Phenomenal Lagos: 50 Monuments in the Centre of Excellence, by Akeem Lasisi and Kabir Alabi